Canadian Prairie Summer Road Trip Photo Story
A photo essay about the colours, shapes and images from a July road trip through southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta

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The endless bright yellow of a canola field defines the Canadian prairies for me. So pretty when paired with a bright blue sky.
Deb, the canola fields are certainly iconic. My favourite are the blue flax fields, but there are fewer of them and the bloom time is short. It is particularly pretty to find a flax and canola field in bloom beside each other.
So much open space! My favorite shot is the one showing the road ahead. There’s a little mystery in wondering what you’ll see st the top of that hilll.
Ken, the mystery of what’s up ahead, over the hill or around the bend is a big part of the pleasure of a road trip.
This is lovely Donna. I can imagine you driving along the highway and back roads, enjoying the beautiful countryside and waiting to see what each new curve of the road will bring! Anita
Thanks Anita. The prairie scenery is sometimes dismissed as flat and boring, but I think it can be quite beautiful.
What an enjoyable tour of a bit of Canada–we were on a road trip from east to west at the same time!
RoseMary, summer seems to be the time for road trips! I hope you enjoyed yours.
The picture of the weathered shed in the field is perfect. When I pass such buildings, I always find myself wondering about their history.
Jeri, it would be interesting to know its history. I find myself drawn to old weathered (and almost falling down) buildings. Maybe it’s because they hint at so much history.
Stunning pictures, Donna! I loved the picture of the yellow canola fields! Did you stop to admire them for a while?
Thanks Agness. There were quite a few yellow canola fields on this trip, so we didn’t need to stop to enjoy – we kept passing more.