Ten Things to Do On Your Ladies’ Cottage (or Camping) Weekend
Tips for your ladies’ weekend at the lake
A ladies’ weekend, sometimes called a girls’ weekend, offers the opportunity for women to escape from the demands of their adult lives for a short time, bond with each other, and have a little fun. Types of getaways are as varied as women themselves. They include big city shopping, pampering spas, theatre-going, casino days, spiritual rejuvenation, or retreats to a cottage or campsite. Here are ten things to do on that cottage or campsite retreat.
1. Walk
Pack suitable shoes. Collect wildflowers.
2. Play board games
Pack a cribbage board, Scrabble board, Dominoes set, Pictionary, Taboo, or any other favourite game. If you have lots of room, you may consider a crokinole board. In this digital age, the pleasure of board games is often forgotten. For some added fun, pick up some dollar store prizes before heading out. Or let the winner have first choice of daily chore.
3. Watch for wildlife
Watch and listen to the birds. Look for chipmunks and squirrels. Feed a deer, if it’s tame enough.
4. Picnic
Pack a lunch and hike out to a picturesque spot for an old-fashioned picnic.
5. Craft
Plan ahead for a craft activity. Paint rocks, decorate hats, make friendship bracelets, decorate t-shirts with embroidery paint, make greeting cards, or whatever other craft your group might like. Press those wildflowers collected on your walk.
6. Lie on the beach
Take your blanket, beach chairs, suntan lotion, and books down to the beach on a hot sunny afternoon.
7. Sit around an evening campfire
What is more mesmerizing that the smell of a wood fire, the crackle of burning birch bark, and the dancing colours of the flames? Practice your Boy Scout skills. Roast marshmallows, make Smores or have a glass of wine. Chat the old-fashioned way.
8. Watch the stars
Look up at the dark night sky, and see how many constellations you can identify. Don’t forget to wish upon a star.
9. Get active
Try bocce ball, a game of catch, beach volleyball, badminton or tennis, depending on facilities available.
10. Do a jigsaw puzzle
Should rain keep you indoors, have fun putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
And don’t forget to allow for some quiet “alone” time together. Read, do a crossword puzzle, or knit, quietly content in each others’ presence.

My 2 law partners (both women) and I used to do a yearly retreat. We’d go to a nice inn or hotel not too far away. We’d have our work meetings, but we also tried to save time for fun: one year, snow tubing; a nice dinner out; a walk to Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania to watch migrating hawks; window shopping in New Hope, PA, a cute town with lots of art.
Suzanne, your retreats sound lovely. It’s been a number of years since my friends and I have done one of these weekends. I have great memories.